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Church Covenant

The Church Covenant, which can be found in the minutes of the 1890s, remains applicable to the Oak Grove Baptist Church today.

Thanking God for the Light we have received, and for the revelation of Jesus
which we now enjoy; and hoping that God, for Christ's sake has pardoned our sins; and having been baptized
on a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus into the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
we do, this day before God and the world, with deep Joy and great solemnity enter into covenant with one another,
as one body in Christ. 

We therefore covenant and agree, that, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, we will walk together in love and Christian fellowship.

We promise to labor for the advancement and final triumph of the Church; 
to sustain her worship by attending the house of God and supporting the ministry;
to guard her ordinances, enforce her discipline, and to defend her doctrine. 

We also pledge ourselves to walk circumspectly in the world; to be honest, just and faithful in our business relations;
and, as God may give us help, we promise to live righteous and holy lives. 

We further promise to watch over each other in brotherly love; to visit the sick; to pray for each other and the world;
to aid the poor and needy, and to perform such other kind offices as may be well pleasing in the sight of God. 


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